10 Problems Only Marvel Fans Will Understand

6. Switching Artists

This is a particularly annoying habit, and something which has been happening a lot at Marvel in recent years. They'll launch a new title or major story arc/event, and the A-List artist initially hired for the first few issues suddenly vanishes and is replaced by someone inferior. Every now and again it can't be helped because they need to avoid delays, but it's clear 90% of the time that it's a cost cutting exercise after drawing readers in. As Marvel clearly believe that their customers have an incredibly short attention span, many recent events have been released over the course of weeks rather than months. That too has led to different artists all working on the same story (Avengers & X-Men: AXIS and Spider-Verse are two recent examples), and ultimately leads to a feeling of inconsistency. It appears to be all about saving money at the expense of the enjoyment of readers.
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