10 Problems Only Marvel Fans Will Understand

7. Variant Covers

If you're a fan of variant covers and a reader of Marvel Comics, you'd best make sure that you have deep pockets! The recent launch of Star Wars #1 for example saw that title receive upwards of sixty different covers, and while an argument could be made that it leaves fans spoiled for choice, that's not how it tends to play out. There are so many and such a limited amount, fans end up paying twenty times the cover price on eBay almost every time. Marvel obviously don't benefit from that as it's usually sneaky retailers taking advantage, but wouldn't they feel a little more special if there was just one or two which were worth making an effort to hunt down? What good does it do you to have one variant out of dozens other than it possibly being by your favourite artist? Marvel could learn from DC Comics here as their variant cover initiatives tend to mean something thanks to varying themes.
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