10 Problems Only Marvel Fans Will Understand

4. Too Much

One of Marvel's most annoying habits is focusing too much on a single character. A few years ago, it was hard to go into a comic book store without seeing a plethora of solo titles for Spider-Man and his face on the cover of plenty of other titles too. Then it was Wolverine who it became impossible to avoid, and it's this which puts a strain on the bank balance of fans and wears their patience thin by exposing them too much to the same old heroes. Following the success of The Avengers in 2012, it's now that team who are everywhere. It's hard to keep track of how many books they have - Marvel's next bright idea is a series focusing on an all-female roster - and while you might think it's good for fans to be spoiled for choice, the fact that they're usually interconnected makes it hard to follow just one. This sort of overexposure just makes their characters less special, but Marvel don't see that.
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