10 Problems With The X-Men Nobody Wants To Admit

1. Mutant Hatred Doesn't Make Sense In The Marvel Universe

What makes even less on that note from an in-universe stand point, however, is that mutants absolutely shouldn't be hated, feared or oppressed. Like, obviously, from a moralistic and humanistic standpoint there should be no oppression at all (except maybe for Gambit, and that's more due to the costume than the way he was born) (unless he was born with it) (a chilling thought). So the point of the X-Men is that the rest of humanity are distrustful and scared of them because they're different, and people fear what they don't understand. Except that's happening in a Marvel Universe €“ in the same state, in fact €“ as celebrated heroes like the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. They're almost all genetic anomalies with superheroes. But besides The Hulk and Spider-Man, basically no other superhero in Marvel Comics has to deal with all the crap the X-Men put up with. But they're not any different. That makes absolutely no sense. Obviously prejudice doesn't tend to make sense, but y'know. The internal logic of that is all out of whack. Spin the X-Men into their own universe or something. Or, better yet, just make them Inhumans, eh.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/