10 Rare Comic Con Collectibles You Wish You Owned

7. Marilyn Monroe With Mickey Mouse Boobs

Captain Marvel Lego
Ron English

Be honest, you really want to own this thing.

Its an utter monstrosity, but how many people can say they have a statuette of a topless Marilyn Monroe with Mickey Mouses for boobs in their living room?

Well, that’s actually hard to know. Because the piece was made by artist Ron English (working with Toy Tokyo), nobody can be sure how many were purchased or commissioned. English didn’t make say, 250 or 1000 and then sell limited stocks; they were commissioned to order.

Still, odds are if you did get your hands on one, you’d be in very select company. The item was sold at $4,000, which seems expensive for any plastic collectible, and that’s before you remember this is a naked Marilyn Monroe with Micky Mouse boobs.

But still, if you had that money you’d probably want it, right? You don’t know why... you just would.

Hey, maybe you do have the money. If that’s the case, you might be interested in the painting Ron English did of his ‘masterpiece’, which auctioned in New York for $31,250 in 2015.

Money definitely well spent there.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)