10 Raunchy Comic Book Scenes Nobody Wants To See On Film

8. Cyclops & Emma Frost Grave-Kissing

Scott Summers AKA Cyclops and Jean Grey might have been married for pretty much the entirety of Emma Frost's existence in comic books, but there has still always clearly been something between Summers and Frost. On one of the many occasions Jean Grey died in the comic books, her soul was catapulted into the future by 150 years and what it finds is a derelict apocalyptic wasteland. Shocked by what she sees, Grey looks for the cause of the problem and finds that it was due to the fact Cyclops was in no fit state to lead the X-Men in the battle to prevent the demise of planet Earth. As a result, in order to help Cyclops find happiness, Grey sends a psychic message to a point in the past - not long after she had died - when Cyclops had shunned the affections of Frost in order to get him to reciprocate. He did but, rather morbidly, it happened to be when the pair were stood on Jean's grave. Nothing makes a kiss less sexy than when it's atop of one of the participants' dead exes.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.