10 Raunchy Comic Book Scenes Nobody Wants To See On Film

9. Superman's Sex Tape

Incredibly, this actually happened. Sleez (a character who first appeared in 1987's Action Comics #592) was an alien from Apokolips with a hideous appearance (think Slimer from Ghostbusters merged with Baron Greenback from Danger Mouse) whose power was the ability to manipulate the minds of others. He used said power to mind-control both Superman and Big Barda, with the intention of producing a sex tape that he would sell and use the money to create an army to fight his former boss, Darkseid. The tape wasn't a success - the two participants' hearts really weren't in it - but he did find a buyer; an agent of Darkseid, no less - so it would seem that Darkseid was interested in Superman porn. All things considered - a fat green alien called Sleez, mind-controlled sex, and Darkseid with a box of tissues - nobody wants this to be included in a live action movie.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.