10 Raunchy Comic Book Scenes Nobody Wants To See On Film

6. Norman Osborn Gets Gwen Stacy Pregnant

Mary Jane Watson aside, Gwen Stacy is the other love of Peter Parker's life. She's his age, she's attractive and she's intelligent - all of which seemingly make her ideal for him. But she also had sex with Norman Osborn - a man more than twice her age and the arch-nemesis of Parker's alter-ego, Spider-Man - and that's not so ideal. Moreover, she had a full on affair and the sexual encounter depicted in 2004's The Amazing Spider-Man #512 ended up getting her pregnant - evidently the Green Goblin doesn't like putting something on the end of it (and the creepy O-face pulled by Osborn was something readers will never forget). She gave birth in secret and the resulting children grew rapidly as a result of Osborn's altered Green Goblin DNA. It led to him having a hissy fit and throwing Stacy off a bridge as a result. This is not something people ever want to see happen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Or anywhere else, for that matter.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.