10 Raunchy Comic Book Scenes Nobody Wants To See On Film

5. Batman's Fire Sex

All Star Batman and Robin, The Boy Wonder was published sporadically between 2005 and 2008 and had a tendency to portray Batman as something of a dick (it was the series that spawned the much-repeated "I'm the Goddamn Batman" line, for example). One of the most dickish moments the character took part in was after he had saved the anti-heroine Black Canary from a bunch of gangsters. She had turned up at some docks to interrupt a meeting between the thugs but was outnumbered by them and ended up hiding behind some crates. Batman turned up to save her, defeated the thugs and ended up setting them all on fire with a molotov cocktail. That's very unlike any Batman most people want to see to begin with, but the fact that he then went on to engage in some fornication with Black Canary while the men burned to death in the background is just a bit too sick for the big screen (and indeed the comic books, to be frank).
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.