10 Reasons Why Damian: Son Of Batman Was An Absolute Mess

2. Reincarnation Is Real?!

Reincarnationisreal Alfred Pennyworth happens to be at the very location in the Gotham River where an unconscious Damian appears after losing his fight with Professor Pyg. He takes him back to Batcave and, after dutifully stitching up Damian, dies. Damian's had a cat called Alfred since the last Batman Incorporated story and that cat's still around. The cat's wandering about while Alfred dies and then all of a sudden, the spirit of Alfred the Butler is inside Alfred the Cat! We know this because when Damian comes to, Alfred the Cat is talking to him in the voice of Alfred Pennyworth!? How do we know for sure that it's actually Alfred Pennyworth and not anyone else? He helpfully informs Damian "After the battle with the dollotrons, young sir, I brought you back to the Batcave for treatment". So apparently reincarnation is real and in some weird Tim Burton-esque way and Alfred Pennyworth's spirit has gone into Alfred the Cat's. I liked it better when Alfred the cat was just an ordinary cat €“ it just made more sense and grounded Damian in a relatable way, showing an empathetic side to the brutality. He came to have a fondness for his father's butler and named his fearsome feline pet in honour of him, showing him to have a sentimental side too. Having a supernatural talking cat is just dumb and too literal an interpretation of Damian's pet name. Another stunningly bad choice by Kubert!
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