10 Reasons We Still Love Marvel's Secret Wars 30 Years Later

7. Everyone Who Mattered Was Involved

When it came to packing Secret Wars with A-list talent, Marvel didn€™t take any shortcuts. Pretty much every major hero and villain that was active in the Marvel Universe in early/mid-1980s was teleported to the planet €œBattleworld€ by the mysterious Beyonder. Sure, hardcore fans of the House of Idea€™s second tier stars like Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Black Widow, might have been disappointed by their absence, but more casual fans probably didn€™t notice since they were too busy being distracted by the likes of Captain America, Doctor Doom, the entire Fantastic Four, Ultron, Spider-Man, Kang, Wolverine, Cyclops, etc. Of course, Marvel likely included all of its best heroes and villains as a reason to develop and sell action figures (more on that in a moment), but from a comic book storytelling perspective, the A-list cast gave Secret Wars an enormous amount of credibility. It sent a message to readers that this was a series that was going to have stakes. Considering some of the status quo changes that took place as a result of the series (Hulk leaving the Fantastic Four and being replaced by She-Hulk), packing Secret Wars with so many iconic characters wasn€™t strictly a marketing gimmick.
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Mark is a professional writer living in Brooklyn and is the founder of the Chasing Amazing Blog, which documents his quest to collect every issue of Amazing Spider-Man, and the Superior Spider-Talk podcast. He also pens the "Gimmick or Good?" column at Comics Should Be Good blog.