10 Reasons We Still Love Marvel's Secret Wars 30 Years Later

6. The Silly But Fun Character Moments

Despite the size and scope of Secret Wars, writer Jim Shooter manages to pack in many moments of levity demonstrating that even the most landmark of comic book events don€™t always have to take themselves too seriously. Such moments include the Wasp seducing Magneto in order to discover where his allegiances lie (and then pinching his cheek and calling him €œcute but pompous€ when he asks her to join him in fighting off the X-Men); or when the femme fatale Volcana falls head over heels for the meek Molecule Man. There are also a bunch of one-liners, like Rhodey Rhodes (filling in for Tony Stark as Iron Man) commenting on the super long legs of the new Spider-Woman who just randomly shows up in the series about halfway through. Secret Wars is very self-aware that comic books are designed to be fun. The series is filled with high-tension, end of the universe-type scenarios, but that doesn€™t mean it doesn€™t provide the right mix of jokes and humor.
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Mark is a professional writer living in Brooklyn and is the founder of the Chasing Amazing Blog, which documents his quest to collect every issue of Amazing Spider-Man, and the Superior Spider-Talk podcast. He also pens the "Gimmick or Good?" column at Comics Should Be Good blog.