10 Reasons To Look Forward To Doomsday Clock

4. The Return Of The Justice Society?

Doomsday Clock Batman Flash The Button
DC Comics/Alex Ross

So far, in all the books linked strongly to Doomsday Clock and the Rebirth mystery, the JSA have had a strong connection.

One of the covers of DC Universe Rebirth featured the long lost and much beloved Justice Society of America.

A team that again Geoff Johns had once written, they were the perfect example of DC's stance on legacy and generational storytelling, as a superhero team founded in the Second World War and often also including their children, grandchildren and proteges.

Since the New 52, they have been absent, aside from an alternate reality version of them in Earth 2 (a book that when it ended also ended the frequent connection to the multiverse), featuring a JSA drastically changed and much younger.

DC Universe Rebirth, however, seemed to hint heavily at the potential return of the Justice Society of America (and perhaps also the Legion of Super-Heroes, a team from the 31st Century), and then in the recent Batman/The Flash crossover The Button, we saw the almost return of older Flash, Jay Garrick.

Doomsday Clock could be the series where the Justice Society of America finally return to the DC Universe, adding another important piece of the puzzle of what has been missing from the DC Universe since the end of Flashpoint.


Joe is a comic book writer out of South Wales, writing LGBTQ+ superhero series The Pride and also co-writing Welsh horror comedy series, Stiffs. He's also a comics reporter and reviewer who works with Bleeding Cool and now WhatCulture too. So he makes comics and talks about comics, but there's more to him too. Somewhere.