10 Reasons Why Kang Dynasty Is The Best Avengers Story Ever Written

3. The Big Three Shine

Avengers Kang Dynasty Cover
Marvel Comics

The heart of the team has always been "The big three": Iron Man, Captain America and Thor. These are the names most people think of when talking about the Avengers. Although they have only really become household names since the advent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there is no denying their long-standing ties to Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Like much of Kurt Busiek's tenure on the title, when it came to these three, he kept it simple. Not trying to redefine who each hero was or make them the stars of the show and forsaking other lesser-known characters.

Instead, he looked at each of the three men and their relationship to their fellow Avengers. Asking what they bring to the team, how the others view them and just what is it that makes these three so unique.

Tony Stark spends most of his time outside the suit, helping save the world using his intellect. Thor questions what place a god has in the fleeting lives of mortals and Captain America is on the front lines leading his troops into a seemingly unwinnable war.


Kevin McHugh is a code-monkey by day and a purveyor of the unpleasant by night. Having had several comics published by Future Quake Press he is now moving into prose. An avid fan of punk rock, cheap horror movies and even cheaper fast-food Kevin can be found pontificating either on Twitter or over at WhatCulture Comics where he is a regular contributor. He lives in Edinburgh with his wife and two daughters.