10 Reasons Why Kang Dynasty Is The Best Avengers Story Ever Written

4. The Rotating Roster Of Artists Isn't Distracting

Avengers Kang Dynasty Cover
Marvel Comics

If the Kang Dynasty has one failing, then it comes from the art. Kurt Busiek's longtime collaborator George Perez had left the title a short while before and several different talents had taken up the art chores on the book in the issues since.

When it came time for him to write his grand finale, Busiek would partner with longtime Marvel artist Alan Davis, who was most famous for his work on the X-Men, particularly Excalibur.

The idea of a single artist drawing every page of a sixteen-issue story seemed unrealistic to begin with, but when Davis left after only four issues, fans began to worry. There has always been speculation about the reason behind Davis' exit, but as luck would have it, his last issue fell at a natural break in the story.

Kieron Dwyer, Brett Anderson, Patrick Zircher and Manuel Garcia would follow Davis on the book. If Marvel planned this ahead of time, it's a pattern that publishers should attempt to emulate again. Garcia's art is a beautiful midpoint between Davis and Dwyer and was used to transition between the two artists seamlessly. Garcia and Anderson only filled in for an issue each during Dwyer's tenure.


Kevin McHugh is a code-monkey by day and a purveyor of the unpleasant by night. Having had several comics published by Future Quake Press he is now moving into prose. An avid fan of punk rock, cheap horror movies and even cheaper fast-food Kevin can be found pontificating either on Twitter or over at WhatCulture Comics where he is a regular contributor. He lives in Edinburgh with his wife and two daughters.