10 Reasons Why Spider-Man Is Marvel's Greatest Superhero

8. His Rogues Gallery Is Marvel's Best

Amazing Spider-Man Alex Ross
Marvel Comics

All superheroes are defined by their villains. The Joker isn't Batman's nemesis because he's a physical match - he's Batman's nemesis because he's the other side of the metaphorical coin - and though Lex Luthor may not be able to beat Superman in a fair fight, he still has the money and intellect to bring him up to his level.

Spider-Man doesn't have a single villain you can say is his nemesis. He has a bunch of different villains - that much is true, and all of them have interesting and varied powers. Whether they can turn into sand, control electricity, or are just literal vampires, they're not ridiculously powerful, so they can always fight against Spidey on an even playing field, or even gain the upper hand by virtue of their powers being hard for him to counter.

There's never a case where Spider-Man can just breeze through an encounter, because even when he's fighting against a villain he's faced a dozen times before, they're still powerful enough to give him a run for his money.


My name's Lewis, I'm an author (tragically) based in South Wales.