Estimated wealth: $7bn Oliver Queen does try his best to divorce himself from his own massive inheritance, but somehow he just keeps on bouncing back. After the death of his parents, the Green Arrow not only got all of their considerable savings but also control of Queen Industries, which made all of its money from weapons and munitions. The left liberal Arrow wasn't big on that, and abandoned the company to the bigwigs upstairs whilst he pottered off to learn archery. On his return to Star City, however - presumably having bumped into Batman on his travels - he realised having a huge multinational operation funding his vigilante efforts would be handy, and took back control of Queen Industries, albeit getting rid of the arms division. Right now things are ticking over quite nicely in the Green Arrow comics, but before the New 52 reboot that returned every DC character to their original status quo (and bringing Queen more in line with the hit Arrow TV show), he might have actually been one of the poorest characters in comics. Ousted from both the company and his position as Mayor of Star City, divorced from Black Canary, fired from the Justice League, things weren't looking good for ol' Ollie or his bank account. Thank the maker for retcons, eh. Best accountant money can buy.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at