10 Ridiculous Comic Book Weapons You Won't Believe

9. The Power Horn

Green Arrow Boxing Glove
Marvel Comics

The next time you're alone - or in a place where you're willing to lose all dignity immediately - find a mirror, look into your own eyes, and say the phrase 'feel my Power Horn!'

Feel ridiculous? Then you're better than Marvel's laser-horned loser Unicorn, who repeatedly referred to his 'power horn' without any shame or consideration of how hilariously dumb a title this was. Combine this with the fact he got stuck with the dorky name of 'Unicorn', and it seems as though Milos was purposefully made to be as unthreatening as a villain can possibly be.

When you manage to make shooting a laser from the top of your skull boring, you know something has gone terribly, terribly wrong. Unicorn is a little better nowadays, but only because the Power Horn references are at an all-time low.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.