10 Secret Wolverine Superpowers You Never Knew

1. Berserker Rage

Wolverine Chains
Marvel Comics

Although Wolverine has always been depicted as a man in control of his emotions, one with a sense of honour and duty, there are times that the control disappears and Logan truly becomes like the animal his codename reflects.

When cornered, injured, or heavily threatened, Logan unconsciously becomes a feral animal that is acting solely on instinct. He has no self-control or conscious thought during these rages, tearing through whatever enemies happen to be squaring off with him. The massive amounts of adrenaline dumping into his system also further increases his resistance to psychic attack.

These are not times that Wolverine enjoys or looks forward to. Although he readily admits that these times of rage have saved the lives of he and his teammates many times, when he comes out of the berserker states he hates the loss of control and generally regrets the things he did while out of it.

Although Logan actively avoids slipping into this state, he has at least on one occasion given in and taken advantage of what and who he becomes during his rages. While fighting Mister X, a mutant who got off on the psychic 'high' of killing and was an extremely adept fighter, Logan realized that part of X's skill was in reading his opponent's next move. Logan let himself slip into a rage, making his fighting style unpredictable, and soundly thrashed Mister X.

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Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.