10 Secret Wolverine Superpowers You Never Knew

2. Slowed Aging Process

Wolverine Chains
Marvel Comics

Although Marvel has never pinned down an exact date of Logan's birth, it's sometime in the late 1880's. That puts him somewhere in the ballpark of 130 to 140. Yet, he looks no older than a guy in his 40s.

What gives?

Well, the same mutation that lets him heal almost instantly from just about anything also drastically slows down the process of aging and the effects getting older has on the body. After he was born as James Howlett, he was sick and frail as a kid, mocked by his father and others for his weakness.

Once his healing mutation started, James quickly became healthier, more muscular, and more agile. After travelling the world for many years, when his character was introduced in 1974, he was depicted as being middle aged and has not changed very much in how he looks since then.

The Old Man Logan storyline shows a Wolverine still alive fifty years in the future (at the time of its writing in 2008), living in a world where Marvel's heroes were ultimately defeated by supervillains and in which he accidentally killed his X-Men teammates. He survives a final fight with the Hulk in this reality and lives on.

Other Marvel stories depict Logan hundreds, even thousands of years in the future, so although it is agreed he will most likely outlive all his friends, there's no definitive answer to how old he'll get.

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Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.