10 Secrets Hidden In Famous Comics

8. Windsor-Smith's Coins - Conan The Barbarian #8

Batman Batman Who Laughs
Marvel Comics

A masterfully small detail hidden in Conan the Barbarian #8, artist Barry Smith made his frustrations with the fine details in the comic known in its pages, writing in a pile of coins "I must be mad drawing all these coins".

While it's a move that is unlikely to get passed nowadays, Smith managed to get his note into the series when it published back in the seventies, with the issue not even being reprinted when the note was discovered. After all, it only enhances the comic itself - as a charming reminder that every panel was painstakingly put together by one long-suffering artist.

It's not a mind-blowing secret, sure, but it's one that makes you appreciate the work that goes into comics all the more.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.