10 Secrets Hidden In Famous Comics

9. Carla In The Justice League - Justice League #5

Batman Batman Who Laughs
DC Comics

If there's one thing that Jim Lee's art makes sure you know, it's that he really, really loves his wife. He loves her so much, in fact, that he's managed to slip the phrase "I love Carla" into the cover of Superman Unchained, and the pages of Justice League #5.

These confessions of love are well hidden, however, as you could read Justice League #5 several times without realising that, in a panel where Batman jumps on a car, the broken windshield spells out "I love Carla" in the cracks. While not a conventional way to show that you care for someone, it's hard to not find the artist's insistence on publically showing his love for his wife a sort of cherry on top of whatever issue he includes the message in.

With so much of the hidden secrets in comics being swearwords and genitals, it's soothing to see something entirely more wholesome also sneak it's way into the pages of a comic book - especially when it's so well hidden.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.