10 Shocking Times Superheroes Just QUIT

7. Veil - Avengers Academy

Captain America Arrested
Marvel Comics

As seen with the last entry, not everyone who gives up being a superhero comes back. Sometimes when the creators pull out the shocking "oh my god this or that hero is giving up" card, they really do mean it. And sometimes, you can't help but be in total agreement with the one leaving. Which brings us nicely to Madeline Berry, AKA Veil.

Madeline technically got her start in the event comic Marvel Dark Reign, where she and several other teenagers were kidnapped and experimented on, with the intent of activating their powers through the pain and trauma these experiments caused.

After Dark Reign ended, Maddy and the other kids were brought to Avengers Academy for training, since the Avengers didn't feel confident about leaving a bunch of tortured, traumatized teenagers alone with their thoughts now that they had devastating super powers.

Maddy went along with it for a while, but eventually went to work for entrepreneur Jeremy Briggs, who promised to cure her powers, but was secretly using her as a prototype for his plan to de-power all supers. Veil's last adventure as a superhero was stopping that plan in its tracks, before returning for good to her civilian life.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?