10 Shocking Times Superheroes Just QUIT

6. Martian Manhunter - JLA #71

Captain America Arrested
DC Comics

The Martian Manhunter has had a fascinating career over the years, ever since he first popped up in Detective Comics #225. But for the longest time, his comics always played coy with the reason why he came to Earth in the first place. We know why he stuck around - he quite likes us monkeys - but why did he leave at all?

That answer would come in Justice League of America #71, and the answer is not fun. This is where readers were first introduced to the White Martians, another race of martians that had overrun and enslaved their green brethren a long time ago.

Although Jonn and the League emerge victorious in the end, Mars is left uninhabitable as a result of the plan set in motion by Blanx, the White Martian leader. Jonn then shocked his friends by informing them that he would set out with the remains of his people to help them find a new home.

Although he would pop back up every now and then, it would be 15 years before Jonn returned to Earth full time. That's quite a long time to go without a central character. At least Barry had Wally to replace him for the time he spent gone.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?