10 Shocking Times The Justice League Turned On Each Other

7. Final Crisis

Superman Vs Wonder Woman
DC Comics

The unofficial Crisis trilogy's final entry in DC lore acts as a conclusion for the Fourth World as Darkseid sought to remake reality in his twisted image.

The story was penned by Grant Morrison and features notable moments in DC history such as the first appearance of Barry Allen since Crisis on Infinite Earths, as well as the deaths of Batman and Martian Manhunter.

The destruction of the Fourth World sees the New Gods settle on Earth and take on mortal forms. Darkseid's sheer malevolence begins to corrupt the planet (and the multiverse, by extension) and this manifests in humanity falling prey to the Anti-Life Equation. The subjugation pits both heroes and villains against each other, with heroes such as Wonder Woman turning against her former teammates.

Fortunately, through the combined effort of a few free heroes, the devious deity was defeated and reality restored to its former state. The sprawling epic is relatively light on hero v. hero conflict compared to other entries on this list, but its sheer scale and medley of characters earn it a mention.


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