10 Spider-Man Costumes More Effective Than The Original

1. Spider-Armor MK IV

Marvel Spider Man
Marvel Comics

After Peter took the role of Spider-Man back from Doc Ock, he found himself with the near infinite means to work on Spidey-tech as the CEO of Parker Industries. Peter begins working on projects that benefit mankind as well as assist his crime fighting activities.

His current suit dubbed the Spider-Armor MKIV, takes inspiration from Spideys previous enhanced costumes while looking nearly identical to the traditional one. While it looks familiar aside from a glowing spider chestpiece, this is by far his most capable suit to date. The MK IV boasts various abilities that can be controlled mentally or verbally, including:

Sensors and HUD: Infrared and X-Ray vision. Able to diagnose injured people and track spider-tracers.

Upgraded Web-Shooters: Forearm mounted web-shooters, containing a number of projectiles. Stronger web-fluid, exploding spider-tracers, “bug-zappers”, acid webbing, concrete webbing, expanding web foam, spider-drones and sonic disruptors.

Brain Control Override: Able to shock the wearer’s nervous system, leaving them temporariily paralyzed.

Temperature Control: Able to lower the temperature of the suit as to not give off a heat signature and can apply heat to his fists during combat. Physical and Energy Durability: Able to withstand gunfire and blunt force as well as energy blasts.

Stealth: Able to project holograms to change its appearance.

Along with becoming a one man arsenal, Spidey also built himself a new flying Spider-Mobile and Spider-Copter. While we don’t expect Peter to continue wearing this suit forever, we imagine the writers will be hard pressed to find a reason for the Web-Spinner to leave this one behind.

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Wes is a video game and comic book enthusiast. You can just call him a nerd.