10 Spider-Man Costumes More Effective Than The Original

2. Superior Spider-Man

Marvel Spider Man
Marvel Comics

Through trickery and comic book tech, a dying Doc Ock manages to switch bodies with Peter Parker but Peter was able to imbue Ock with all of his memories and ethics. After Peter’s death, Ock in his new spider powered body, decides to pick up where Peter left off. Determined to be a better hero than Parker ever could, he dubs himself the “Superior” Spider-Man.

While this new Spider-Mans methods are more cold and methodical, they may have actually been more effective than Peter’s. Otto also does what he can to improve Peters civilian life, founding the company Parker Industries. Along with a modified methodology, Ock uses his technological expertise to add some new gadgets to Spidey’s arsenal.

His costume, being darker than the original, also includes:

Carbonadium Plating: Protects against any attempted “mind-swaps”

Talons: Used in combat as well as to implant spider-tracers

Enhanced Lenses: Adds a HUD with GPS and tracking abilities

Spider Button: Used to activate traps and other gadgets

Spider-Arms: four mechanical spider-arms similar to the Iron-Spider armor but with the added ability to shoot lasers.

Communication Device: Able to answer and make calls through a device in the wrist.

Web Wings: Used for gliding.

Nerve Hacking Technology: Able to remotely stimulate other's nervous systems.

After Peter reclaims his body and Octavius dies for real, Spidey discards the costume and goes back to the classic red and blue for a bit.

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Wes is a video game and comic book enthusiast. You can just call him a nerd.