10 Spider-Man Costumes More Effective Than The Original

5. Spider-Armor MK II

Marvel Spider Man
Marvel Comics

Only six issues after the debut of the stealth suit, we’re introduced to the Spider-Armor MK2. During the time since the stealth suits creation, peter lost his most useful power, his spider-sense. To make up for the fact that instinctively dodging gunfire was no longer a part of Spidey’s skill set, Peter built the far more capable follow up to the bulletproof Spider-Armor.

This armor also deflect bullets, but isn’t as bulky or unwieldy as the original. Being incredibly durable for its light weight design, Peter took a direct impact from a grenade launcher with no long lasting ill effects. The MKII also includes built in web-shooters in the forearm instead of the wrist. The web-shooters contain a magnetic webbing that can block radio frequencies.

Like the original Spider-Armor, this suit was made specifically for one occasion and was never used again. The suit was made specifically to rescue hostages being held by the villain, Massacre. Spidey used his magnetic webbing to block Massacres signal to bombs he had hidden throughout the building before taking him down. Like the spider-armors previous incarnation, Peter only used it during this one issue, the suit wasn’t destroyed this time though, which makes you wonder why he didn’t make the MKII his default costume.

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Wes is a video game and comic book enthusiast. You can just call him a nerd.