10 Spider-Man Costumes More Effective Than The Original

4. Symbiote

Marvel Spider Man
Marvel Comics

Probably the most recognizable costume outside of the original one, the symbiote “suit” is actually a sentient alien life form that must bind itself to a host in order to survive. If you aren’t an avid comic reader, you’re probably familiar with the black suit as being responsible for the infamous “emo” Spidey in Sam Raimi’s “Spider-Man 3”. In the comics it appears as a jet black bodysuit with a large white spider on the chest.

Peter originally encountered the mood-swing causing suit during the 1984 crossover event “Secret Wars” on the planet Battleworld. The symbiote is actually a member of an alien race called the Klyntar. Amorphous on their own, when these creatures bond with a host it takes on attributes of the wearer while enhancing their abilities. Not only does the symbiote boost the wearer's innate attributes, it also grants them a number of superpowers, including but not limited to: super strength, speed, agility, and endurance, a healing factor, camouflage, and shapeshifting.

Unlike most members of its species who peacefully coexist with their partners, this symbiote is seen as a villainous entity. When Peter realized it was influencing his personality and causing him to become more aggressive, spiteful, and just a jerk in general, he rejected it, leaving it to search for a new host.

In a recent retcon, it was revealed that Spidey wasn’t the Venom symbiotes first host It actually fused with Deadpool shortly before being found by Peter. The brief while it shared a mind with the Merc With a Mouth proved too much for the poor little gooball and drove it insane, making Deadpool the reason for why it has such an attitude problem.

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Wes is a video game and comic book enthusiast. You can just call him a nerd.