10 Straight Up Craziest Things The Joker Has Ever Done

7. Iranian Diplomat

Joker Harley Quinn
DC Comics

This article has already shown that the Joker can sometimes take a strange interest in bureaucracy, with the Clown Prince of Crime trying his best to copyright fish.

However, the Joker would take inspiration from his flirtations with pencil pushers and move into the world of international diplomacy. Although, as is typical with Joker, the Jester of Genocide strangely decided to become an Iranian diplomat.

During a Death in the Family, the Joker heads to the Middle East and the then-leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini, makes Joker the Iranian diplomat to the United Nations (yes, really). As a diplomat, the Joker then gains diplomatic immunity and cannot be prosecuted for his many crimes.

This is a pretty crazy story considering that this story involved the actual leader of Iran, Ayatollah. It would hardly be welcomed by the Iranian Government that their leader is depicted appointing a villain such as the Joker to such a high position (even if it is fictional).

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A writer from Adelaide, South Australia. Aside from Newcastle United, he’s a big fan of DC Comics and A Song of Ice and Fire. Can often be found reading old comic books and complaining about the ending of Game of Thrones.