10 Strangest Batman Crossovers Ever

7. Batman And Captain America - Batman/Captain America

Batman Elmer Fudd Looney Tunes Crossover
Marvel Comics

Set during World War II, Batman and Captain America team up to take down their greatest foes - the Joker and the Red Skull.

If this crossover was set during today's time there would definitely be some kind of showdown between Cap and Batman, but writer John Byrne had the idea of setting the story during the Golden Age of comics, despite being released in 1997, and wrote Batman and Captain America as they would've acted during this era.

Batman and Captain America along with their sidekicks Bucky and Robin work together taking down multiple Nazis along their way.

This crossover even had the famous scene of the Joker thinking the Red Scull is crazier than him and freaks out when he realises he's working with an actual Nazi, stating, "I may be a criminal lunatic, but I'm an AMERICAN criminal lunatic!"

It's good to know that there is a line that the Joker won't cross.


Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.