10 Strangest Batman Crossovers Ever

6. Batman And Predator - Batman Versus Predator

Batman Elmer Fudd Looney Tunes Crossover
DC Comics

Written by Dave Gibbons in 1991 and aptly named Batman Versus Predator, this isn't the only DC and Dark Horse Comics crossover that will feature in this list. Artist Adam Kubert even won an Eisner Award for his contribution to the comic.

Despite how bizarre the crossover may seem, it surprisingly went down well with many comic book fans.

The blows that Batman takes from the Predator are on par with the ones he took from Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. The Predator almost kills the bat, but since this is Batman he always finds a way to semi-recover from his injuries and goes head to head with the Predator again.

Creating a specially-designed sonar suit to increase his strength and compensate for the Predator's stealth, he was able to defeat the Predator (who then kills themselves once their ship landed) after a prolonged battle that seemed to have happened in all corners of Gotham City.

Even Alfred got in on the fight, blasting the Predator with a vintage rifle and proving yet again that he is worthy of the most badass butler of all time title.

For Batman's victory, he is gifted with the sword that the Predator used to kill himself leaving bats with the confidence that no more Predators will be returning to Gotham after having met who lives there.


Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.