10 Strangest Jack Kirby Creations

2. Captain 3-D

3dproject Many of the characters on this list had extremely short-lived careers, but Captain 3-D might take the cake, having only one comic book on the shelves before the series was scrapped. The story of Captain 3-D takes place thousands of years in the past, in a space war between humanoids and cat people. The humanoids€™ secret weapon is Captain 3-D, who is most inconveniently trapped inside a book called the Book of D, and can only come out every once in a while. The war practically decimates both the super humanoids and the cat people, save for a few cat people whom shape shift into regular humans, waiting for the chance to regroup. The Book of D eventually surfaces in the future, and Captain 3-D appears in a bookshop, conveniently to do his one heroic deed, saving a teenager from the few cat people still around. Captain 3-D really has no association with 3-D other than the silly glasses he wears and the fact that his comic book gave children the opportunity to wear such aforementioned silly glasses.
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Jack Kirby
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