10 Strangest Justice League Villains Of All Time

6. David Graves

Justice League vs Funky Flashman
DC Comics

David Graves is an unusual figure because, as much as you feel for him and the unknown sickness that claims his family, him blaming the Justice League for not saving them seems pretty harsh - because there are some things that superheroes really should be leaving to trained medical professionals.

It's also super weird to have his backstory, as we are left with the knowledge that one of the Justice League's more imposing villains is a fringe historian and writer, which doesn't quite strike fear into your heart the same.

This is made doubly true by the fact that Grave's most successful books actually cover the history of the Justice League themselves, such as his most famous work, the vaguely familiar sounding 'Justice League: Gods Among Men'.

As much as it's clear that people would be interested in the superheroes, it's totally surreal to find out that one of their enemies used to spend his nine to five shift writing every detail about them he could find. Is David Graves essentially a fanboy gone wrong? For now, there's no definitive answer - only a lot of questionable details.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.