10 Strangest Justice League Villains Of All Time

7. Menagerie Man

Justice League vs Funky Flashman
DC Comics

Take a man in a skintight purple leotard, paint an M on his chest, and add a leopard print toga. Seem ridiculous? Then you've successfully imagined the Menagerie Man's outfit.

Because this clearly didn't make him silly enough, the Menagerie Man's powers involve using a dwarfstar to shrink animals, and then train the tiny beasts to serve him. Does this plan make any sense? No! Does it seem like the single most ineffective use of being able to control a dwarfstar? Entirely.

But that doesn't stop the Menagerie Man from trying his best at that whole 'evil scheme' thing. For a man with a completely nonsensical power and plan, the villain is actually beat up far less than a lot of conventional supervillains - largely due to his ability to teleport, which is never given a solid contextual reason aside from its convenience.

If anyone ever tells you that comics nowadays are in a downward spiral, it might be worth showing them the Menagerie Man - just to remind them of what they have clearly repressed.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.