10 Strangest Spider-Man Villians

5. Panda-Mania

Stilt-Man Spider-Man Daredevil
Marvel Comics

Appearing in the first issue of The Amazing Spider-Man Volume 3 in 2014, Panda-Mania is a truly baffling villain, having virtually no distinctive characterisation other than looking like a panda.

The panda fanatic is a strange mix of boring and strange. Very little is known about her - even her name has not been revealed yet - but everything that has been shown about her has either been uninspiring or laughable. She clearly has superhuman strength, as she is seen lifting a car in the air, but that still isn't especially interesting, as this is possibly the most common superpower of all time.

Panda-Mania also has one of the stupidest costumes and names ever put to a comic book page, not looking too dissimilar to the equally hilarious Grizzly. Her panda costume makes her look like a cuddly toy, and her fluffy glove doesn't exactly help with her villainous image. Potentially, Panda-Mania is one of the strangest and worst villains in Spider-Man's rogues gallery.

As the newest villain on this list - only having nine years of comic book history - it may be slightly unfair to criticise Panda-Mania to this extent. Still, if Marvel wants to push for interesting and frightening villains, it would probably be for the best if they either completely reinvent Panda-Mania or forgot about her altogether.


Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.