10 Strangest Spider-Man Villians

6. Styx And Stone

Stilt-Man Spider-Man Daredevil
Marvel Comics

Mad scientist Gerald Stone and homeless man Jacob Eichorn make up the duo Styx and Stone. Although the pair certainly are bizarre, their powers are cool, yet horrifying.

Stone approached Eichorn, wanting him to participate in some medical trials, to which he agreed. Without telling him, Stone injected a clueless Eichorn with a mutated cancerous compound, which resulted in him becoming immune to all cancers, as well as being able to kill whatever he touched. Eichorn, now Styx, found that he needed to drain life from organisms in order to survive, but the experiment had also altered his mind, meaning he now found great pleasure in causing others to rot away.

Stone, feeling immense guilt for what he had done, joined forces with Styx, promising him he would find him a cure. Taking on the job to kidnap Mary Jane for the millionaire Jonathon Caesar, the pair were defeated by Spider-Man and then sent to prison.

Remerging years later, Stone had turned into a grotesque, rocky giant, with rotting powers very similar to Styx. However, the pair were trounced by Spidey, with some help from Deadpool, after they attacked a village in Bolivia.

So, Styx and Stone are some pretty interesting villains, with some unique and terrifying powers, even if they are rather strange.


Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.