10 Stupid Arguments About Batman That Don't Make Sense

7. All His Enemies Are The Same

Batman Rogues' Gallery
DC Comics / Jim Lee

Batman has one of the most celebrated rogues galleries in superhero comics. It helps that he also has one of the largest rogues galleries in superhero comics, giving a greater chance to improve his batting average than, say, the relatively light list of antagonists The Demon has to face up to.

It does mean that creators ran light on ideas at times, though. Setting aside the likes of Mr Freeze and such, it's sometimes suggested there's not a whole lot of difference between The Joker, The Riddler, and The Penguin. Besides the definite articles which precede all their titles, they really haven't that much in common besides being, again, eccentric doers of evil.

It makes sense that they'd be sorta similar, all coming out of the same city. And whilst The Riddler is pretty close to The Joker's schtick on paper, and The Penguin has an even more deformed appearance than the Clown Prince of Crime, seeing them in action just goes to show how different they are.

They're all a little nutty to varying degrees, but The Penguin is a much more level-headed (if angry) gangster type; The Riddler is smug, insecure and self-destructive with his intelligent ploys; and The Joker is a pure force of chaos. They couldn't be more different.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/