10 Stupid Arguments About Batman That Don't Make Sense

2. He Isn't A Superhero

So it turns out this list has been organised in order of how ridiculous the arguments are. Obviously, with a character as inherently ridiculous as Batman, you're going to get some patently ridiculous arguments, but this one absolutely takes the biscuit. A favourite of know-it-all dirtbag teens and people who never grew out of being know-it-all dirtbag teens is this pearl of wisdom: technically, Batman isn't a superhero. Why? Because he has no superpowers, of course! Once again, this requires some very foolish assumptions you will feel stupid for making. First of all, really? Superpowers is how you characterise a superhero? Okay, well Iron Man isn't a superhero, because he just has a fancy suit. Same for Green Arrow, and basically every other power-less vigilante. Secondly €“ and most importantly €“ saying that Batman is just a regular person is a total misnomer. He's a man with the motivation to go train his body and mind for the better part of his younger years, who then applies his incredibly muscular bod, crazy fighting skills, and genius-level intellect to fighting crime. Sounds like a normal person? Reckon you could do that if you wanted? You couldn't. So hush.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/