10 Stupid Arguments About Batman That Don't Make Sense

3. His History Makes No Sense

DC Comics has a particular propensity for dumping large swathes of its continuity, with the very first history-wiping event €“ the classic miniseries Crisis On Infinite Earths €“ being an attempt to tidy their house after having never before paid much attention to their fifty or so years of back story, which in some cases had become needlessly complex, contradictory, and usually involving Super-Babies. Batman especially has been through a lot of changes in his long career. He began as a pulp hero, inspired by radio serials and cheap magazines, who had a much more bat-like look and routinely shot people. Then he got more cheerful, and then €“ after that whole Seduction Of The Innocent thing €“ him and his villains became more like playfully scrapping friendly rivals. Obviously stuff has gotten darker and darker, more serious ever since. How do you coalesce all those things? How is the Christian Bale Batman the same character as the Adam West one? It makes no sense! Nuh uh, Grant Morrison totally explained it in-comic during his run: all those jaunty Golden and Silver Age adventures? Mainly the fault of hallucinogenics. Problem solved!

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/