You won't be catching this one in any future Avengers movie, unless Joss Whedon decides to delve into Clint Barton's sordid and embarrassing past...Hawkeye has had a variety of dumb costumes over the years, from his 'classic' bird's mask with the giant emblazoned 'H' on it to his semi-shirtless stint as an extra from an episode of Hercules, but his '80s/'90s outfit really takes the biscuit. Combining his love of self-promotion, that god-awful blue and purple colour scheme and a completely necessary skirt (to what, protect his modesty? Distract ne'erdowells from the giant bow pointed at their faces?), Hawkeye's get-up beggars belief as to why the artists responsible or the editors in charge of them thought this would be a neat way to represent the Arching Avenger. What do you think? Are these the biggest crimes against super-fashion you've ever seen, or can you do worse? Let us know in the comments below!