10 Superhero Redesigns That ACTUALLY Worked

1. Beast

Best Superhero Redesigns
Marvel Comics

Hank McCoy initially appeared as a humanoid character with large hands and feet during his tenure with the original X-Men. Safe to say that the hero was more of a hairless gorilla and much like most of his teammates, faded into obscurity as the title eventually was halted.

But after leaving the group, the character would gain a transformation in Amazing Adventures #11. In an experiment gone wrong, Beast uses a serum on himself that gives him fur, pointed ears, sharp teeth, and an animalistic side. Though initially gaining gray fur, it would later be changed into blue and with that, Hank's makeover was finally complete.

This redesign helped turn Beast into a visually captivating character; a sophisticated and well-read scientist who had the appearance of the animal. This look would remain with the hero though he'd get more animalistic versions as the years went on.

From the feline Beast to the lion-like one, Hank McCoy's string of unfortunate makeovers all began with his fateful transformation. One that turned him from a B-lister to one of Marvel's most recognizable heroes.

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