10 Superhero Resurrections That Actually Worked

5. Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Amazing Spider-Man Peter Parker
Marvel Comics

Poor old Peter Parker can't seem to catch a break most days, what with all those deaths, crises and a whole manner of other issues pervading most Spidey storylines.

Back in 2013, in the Dying Wish arc, writer Dan Slott seemingly killed off Pete by having Doctor Octopus swap his conscious with Peter's, placing everyone's favourite wall-crawler in Otto's dying body and having the Doctor take over as a new, 'superior' Spider-Man. With a plan to outdo Peter as the web-slinger, and in an attempt to clear his conscious, Otto set about doing all the heroic things the Spidey of old did, albeit in a brasher, more egoistic way.

Peter found his way back to his old body at the end of the series, however, completing what many see as a clear highlight of Slott's run on the character. Things haven’t been as good since, but Peter’s return as Spidey - complete with the addition of Miles Morales in mainstream Marvel continuity - have ensured that Spider-Man’s in a really interesting place right now.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.