10 Superhero Resurrections That Actually Worked

4. Oliver Queen/Green Arrow

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DC Comics

Oliver Queen's return as Green Arrow marked the beginning of a defining period for the character, with both Kevin Smith and Brad Meltzer producing some really seminal material in the wake of his resurrection, something Smith himself had orchestrated.

Killed off while attempting to stop a terrorist attack in Metropolis, the majority of the nineties saw Ollie's son, Connor Hawke, as the main Green Arrow. 2000's Quiver storyline would later resurrect the character, with Smith in particular placing a massive emphasis on the hero's history pre-Mike Grell. Later, Meltzer wrote The Archer's Quest, a book that analysed the trope of comic resurrections and delved deep into Ollie's history. It's a series that every comic book fan (new and old) should read, and one that exemplifies all the best things about even the medium's most mocked cliches.

Connor may have been a worthy replacement for GA, but there's only one Ollie, and he's too valuable a part of the DCU to be axed off permanently.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.