10 Superheroes With Sickeningly High Kill Counts

8. Black Widow

Batman Gun
Marvel Comics

Raised as a professional assassin since basically birth, Natasha's greatest struggle as a hero is likely trying to not kill every single person within a five foot radius of her, because the urge to murder and maim has been ingrained in her from such a young age.

Indeed, though Nat largely opts out of breaking skulls nowadays, that's not to say she's totally forgotten her training. Provoke the ire of the Black Widow, and she's still going to rip your spinal cord out with one hand - it's just that now she might at least have a moment of guilt about it afterwards.

In short, if you're going to fight a superhero, maybe don't pick the one who was taught to consider evisceration an ordinary form of greeting.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.