10 Superman Villains Too Crazy For Batman V Superman

5. Titano

Composite Superman
DC Comics

The Villain: The DC Universe is no stranger to super-powered apes but thanks to his special powers, Titano stands apart. Once a normal chimpanzee, Titano was experimented on and became super-sized as well as gaining the power to shoot kryptonite beams out of his eyes.

His exact origins have been altered somewhat over the years but he’s regularly portrayed as a mindless ape that’s been granted super-strength and other various powers. In every incarnation, his immediate reaction seems always to go about mindless destruction throughout the city.

Why He Wouldn’t Work In The Film: Much as Superman fighting King Kong could be a sight to behold, it’s not exactly something fans are clamouring to see. Somehow a giant, super-powered gorilla doesn’t seem to fit in with Superman’s story in any realistic or meaningful way.

On top of that, with one of the film’s main functions to be building the foundations of the DCEU, introducing a super-powered gorilla as one of the universe’s first villains just doesn’t feel right.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.