10 Superman Villains Too Crazy For Batman V Superman

3. Kancer

Composite Superman

The Villain: When Superman became poisoned with kryptonite, a team led by Dr. Emil Hamilton was quick to save him by removing the main, malignant tumor inside of him.

Some time later, General Zod, then a Russian despot, acquired the tumor and brought it to life. The creature he created was massive, gifted all sorts of super-powers and hated his former ‘father,’ Superman, for rejecting him. Kancer would then use his toxic touch to seek revenge on Superman and all of his allies.

Why He Wouldn’t Work In The Film: The notion of Superman fighting a wild, disfigured monster isn’t all that far-fetched and may very well play out in Batman V Superman. That said, Doomsday’s rumoured inclusion in the film is much more easily tied to Superman’s own origins.

With Doomsday sporting more impressive physical capabilities on top of his links to Krypton, the less powerful Kancer, whose roots are harder to explain and connect with Superman, just doesn’t seem as good a fit.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.