10 Superman Villains Too Crazy For Batman V Superman

2. Prankster

Composite Superman

The Villain: When his children’s show was cancelled, Oswald Loomis sought out revenge of the executive who pulled the plug. Eventually, his plots of vengeance would expand as he took to all of Metropolis to stage pranks and acts of chaos and crime.

Over the years, his enterprises have evolved, operating as a distraction for other criminals as well as a cyber-criminal. Nevertheless, he’s always read like a non-threatening knock-off of the Joker.

Why He Wouldn’t Work In The Film: To his credit, the character has been steadily improving over the years but he’s still never been a real match for Superman. Acid pies and electronic buzzers against the man of steel, really?

Prankster’s more of an annoyance that acts like a light breather for Superman while he’s in between stopping aliens from destroying the planet. This function is important in a monthly comic but the films need to go all-out each time. There’s no desire for Superman to have some downtime during the movie and thus, Prankster just feels useless.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.