10 Supervillains Who Made Other Supervillains

7. Clownface (Created By The Joker)

Absolute Carnage
DC Comics

After Hush blew up Bruce Wayne's home, it was rebuilt as the new Arkham Asylum. (In case you were wondering why anyone would turn Wayne Manor into a mental institution, the answer is "So this story could happen.") Bruce infiltrated the building, now called Arkham Manor, as an inmate called Jack Shaw to ensure no one discovered the Bat Cave.

While there, he realised one of the patients was actually a stray piece of Clayface that had gained sentience and took on the appearance of an elderly man.

The Joker, who was masquerading as an attendant, infected this Clayface strand with his Joker Venom, mutating the clay particles into a Jokerised blob of evil called Clownface. Like Clayface, this new supervillain has the power of size alteration, superstrength, and metamorphosis. But because he had no personality, Clownface works more like a force of nature, shredding anything that stands in its way.

Bruce Wayne, still maintaining his persona as Jack Shaw, teamed up with Mister Freeze to trap the creature in ice before storing it in the manor's refrigerator. Clownface managed to escape but hasn't been seen in the comics since.


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