10 Surprising Superhero Team-Ups You Won't Believe

9. Batman/Sherlock Holmes - Detective Comics #125

Batman TMNT
DC Comics

The golden anniversary is a big deal for any comic book line. 50 issues is a huge milestone, and so must be celebrated accordingly. But how do you do that for a comic line like Detective Comics? Well, if you read Detective Comics #125, the answer is obvious: put the whole "world's greatest detective" moniker to the test.

What's surprising about Batman teaming up with Sherlock Holmes isn't the team up itself, but how they go about it. You would think that they would do this via some kind of time travel where Batman is sent back to the 1800s for some reason to help out Sherlock, like how they handled it in Batman: The Brave And The Bold.

That... is NOT how they do it here.

Instead they reveal that Sherlock has stayed alive well into the silver age of comics via a specialized diet, distilled royal jelly, and the serene Tibetan atmosphere.

There are so many ways in which that makes no sense, I honestly don't know where to begin, but whatever. The comic was still a lot of fun, and it was a treat to see the Dark Knight interact with the original world's greatest detective.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?